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Class scrobble.Scrobble


public class Scrobble
extends Game
implements GameLinkConstants, ScrobbleConstants Implement the different methods mentionned in Game class.

Variable Index

 o bag
Bag used by Scrabble
 o board
Board used by Scrabble
 o boardshape
 o componentsCreated
 o debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.
 o dictionnary
Dictionnary used by Scrabble
 o language
Language used by Scrabble
 o max
 o nameLanguage
 o observable
 o privateGame
 o timer
Hourglass used by Scrabble

Constructor Index

 o Scrobble()

Method Index

 o configure(Configuration)
Gives the configuration that the first player wants
 o createGameComponents(Configuration)
 o createPlayer(String, GameLinkFilter)
Creats a new Player
 o createScrobbleShape()
Returns the BoardShape that will make the board look like a scrabble board.
 o frameReceived(Object, LinkFrame)
Messaged when a new data frame is received by the GameLinkFilter object and this frame belongs to the groups the GameLinkListener asked to listen to.
 o removePlayer(Player)
Removes a Player from the Game
 o setupPlayer(Player)
 o start()
Plays a party of scrobble
 o updatePlayer(Player)
 o yourTurn(ServerScrobblePlayer)
Makes Player play a turn


 o board
 ServerBoard board
Board used by Scrabble

 o bag
 ServerBag bag
Bag used by Scrabble

 o dictionnary
 Dico dictionnary
Dictionnary used by Scrabble

 o language
 ServerLanguage language
Language used by Scrabble

 o timer
 Timer timer
Hourglass used by Scrabble

 o observable
 Observable observable
 o nameLanguage
 String nameLanguage
 o boardshape
 BoardShape boardshape
 o max
 int max
 o privateGame
 boolean privateGame
 o debug
 protected boolean debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.

 o componentsCreated
 boolean componentsCreated


 o Scrobble
 public Scrobble()


 o createPlayer
 public Player createPlayer(String name,
                            GameLinkFilter gamelink)
Creats a new Player

name - the name of the new player
gamelink - the link of the player with the net
the new player
createPlayer in class Game
 o setupPlayer
 public void setupPlayer(Player player)
setupPlayer in class Game
 o createGameComponents
 public void createGameComponents(Configuration config)
 o updatePlayer
 public void updatePlayer(Player player)

 o removePlayer
 public void removePlayer(Player player)
Removes a Player from the Game

player - the player who will be removed
removePlayer in class Game
 o configure
 public void configure(Configuration config)
Gives the configuration that the first player wants

 o createScrobbleShape
 public BoardShape createScrobbleShape()
Returns the BoardShape that will make the board look like a scrabble board.

 o frameReceived
 public void frameReceived(Object link,
                           LinkFrame frame)
Messaged when a new data frame is received by the GameLinkFilter object and this frame belongs to the groups the GameLinkListener asked to listen to.

link - the GameLink that actually received the frame.
frame - the frame that has just been received.
frameReceived in class Game
See Also:
GameLink, frameReceived
 o yourTurn
 public void yourTurn(ServerScrobblePlayer player)
Makes Player play a turn

player - the new player
 o start
 public void start()
Plays a party of scrobble

start in class Game

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