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Class scrobble.ScrobblePlayer


public class ScrobblePlayer
extends Player
The ScrobblePlayer class adds the two methods frameReceived and createLinkframe to Player, so that a ScrobblePlayer can create or receive a frame. It implements interface GameLinkListener.

Variable Index

 o nbletters
Number of Letters of Player
 o playletters
Contains the Letters of Player.
The request which indicates the changement of letters of Player.
The request which changes the changement of the number of letters of Player.

Constructor Index

 o ScrobblePlayer()
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer
 o ScrobblePlayer(int, Object)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with the informations contained in a object.
 o ScrobblePlayer(String)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name
 o ScrobblePlayer(String, GameLinkFilter)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name and a gamelink
 o ScrobblePlayer(String, int)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name and his identity.

Method Index

 o addLetters(Vector)
adds a vector of Letters in the letters of Player and increases the number of Letters of the Player by the number of Letters added.
 o getFrameData()
Returns an object which contains the informations necessaries for the constructions by a new client of a Scrobbleplayer, which still exists in the server.
 o getFrameDataPerso()
Returns an object which contains the informations necessaries for the constructions by a new client of its own scrobbleplayer.
 o getLetterAt(int)
Returns the Letters of Player at the specified index.
 o getLetters()
Returns the Letters of Player.
 o getNbLetters()
Returns the number of Player's Letters.
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


 o playletters
 Vector playletters
Contains the Letters of Player.

 o nbletters
 int nbletters
Number of Letters of Player

 public static final int RQ_PLAYERCHANGELETTER
The request which indicates the changement of letters of Player.

 public static final int RQ_PLAYERCHANGENBLETTERS
The request which changes the changement of the number of letters of Player.


 o ScrobblePlayer
 public ScrobblePlayer()
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer

 o ScrobblePlayer
 public ScrobblePlayer(String name)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name

name - the ScrobblePlayer's name.
 o ScrobblePlayer
 public ScrobblePlayer(int id,
                       Object frameData)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with the informations contained in a object.

frameData - the object which contains the informations about the ScrobblePlayer.
 o ScrobblePlayer
 public ScrobblePlayer(String name,
                       GameLinkFilter gamelink)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name and a gamelink

name - the ScrobblePlayer's name.
gamelink - the ScrobblePlayer's gamelink.
 o ScrobblePlayer
 public ScrobblePlayer(String name,
                       int id)
Creates a new ScrobblePlayer with his name and his identity.

name - the ScrobblePlayer's name.
id - the identity of Player.


 o addLetters
 public void addLetters(Vector vector)
adds a vector of Letters in the letters of Player and increases the number of Letters of the Player by the number of Letters added.

vector - the Letter to be added.
 o getNbLetters
 public int getNbLetters()
Returns the number of Player's Letters.

the number of Letters of the Player.
 o getLetters
 public Enumeration getLetters()
Returns the Letters of Player.

an enumeration of Player's Letters.
 o getLetterAt
 public Letter getLetterAt(int index)
Returns the Letters of Player at the specified index.

index - the index of the letter returned.
the vector of Player's Letters.
 o getFrameData
 public Object getFrameData()
Returns an object which contains the informations necessaries for the constructions by a new client of a Scrobbleplayer, which still exists in the server.

the object which contains the informations about the scrobbleplayer.
getFrameData in class Player
 o getFrameDataPerso
 public Object getFrameDataPerso()
Returns an object which contains the informations necessaries for the constructions by a new client of its own scrobbleplayer.

the object which contains the informations about the scrobbleplayer.
getFrameDataPerso in class Player
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Player

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