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Class scrobble.ServerBag


public class ServerBag
extends Bag
implements GameLinkConstants
This class is the Server version of the class Bag. It handles all the Bag operations (giving and receiving letter...)

Variable Index

 o cheat
Boolean cheat enable to play in a cheaty way.
 o debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.
 o o
ServerBag must be Observable by the others ClientBag.

Constructor Index

 o ServerBag()
Creates a new ServerBag
 o ServerBag(Distribution)
Creates a new ServerBag

Method Index

 o addLetters(Vector)
Set the modification happened to the bag, notify the observer.
 o addObserver(Observer)
Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object.
 o countObservers()
Returns the number of observers of this object.
 o createLinkframe(int, Object)
Creates a new LinkFrame to tranmit to ClientBag.
 o deleteObserver(Observer)
Deletes an observer to the set of observers for this object.
 o deleteObservers()
Clears the observerlist so that this object no longer has any observers.
 o getLetter()
Get a letter The letters in the Bag are organized following a Vector structure, built with a random process.
 o getLetters(int)
Removes one or more letters from the bag and return them.
 o getRandomLetter()
helper func.
 o getSize()
 o notifyObservers(LinkFrame)
[Describe me]
 o setLetter(Letter)
Set a letter


 o debug
 static boolean debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.

 o o
 protected Observable o
ServerBag must be Observable by the others ClientBag. So needs the object o to have the methods addObserver(), deleteObserver() and notifyObserver().

 o cheat
 boolean cheat
Boolean cheat enable to play in a cheaty way.


 o ServerBag
 public ServerBag(Distribution distribution)
Creates a new ServerBag

 o ServerBag
 public ServerBag()
Creates a new ServerBag


 o addObserver
 public void addObserver(Observer obs)
Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object.

obs - an observer to be added.
 o deleteObserver
 public void deleteObserver(Observer obs)
Deletes an observer to the set of observers for this object.

obs - the observer to be deleted
 o deleteObservers
 public void deleteObservers()
Clears the observerlist so that this object no longer has any observers.

 o countObservers
 public int countObservers()
Returns the number of observers of this object.

the number of observers of this object.
 o notifyObservers
 public void notifyObservers(LinkFrame frame)
[Describe me]

 o createLinkframe
 public LinkFrame createLinkframe(int request,
                                  Object data)
Creates a new LinkFrame to tranmit to ClientBag.

request - the request of the frame.
data - the data of the frame.
 o addLetters
 public void addLetters(Vector newLetters)
Set the modification happened to the bag, notify the observer.

newLetters - the new vector of letters remaining in the Bag.
 o getRandomLetter
 Letter getRandomLetter() throws Exception
helper func. Exception has to be created properly (ie EmptyBagException or ..) -vim980406

 o getLetter
 public Letter getLetter() throws Exception
Get a letter The letters in the Bag are organized following a Vector structure, built with a random process. Eventually, the Bag returns a random letter. Faire une exception si le sac est vide

 o getLetters
 public Vector getLetters(int n) throws Exception
Removes one or more letters from the bag and return them.

n - the number of letters to remove from the bag
the letters actually removed from the bag
Throws: Exception
@@ [PENDING: Create me, describe me]
 o setLetter
 public void setLetter(Letter letter)
Set a letter

 o getSize
 public int getSize()

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