Vincent Mallet

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Note: This page has not changed since 1998. It's here for historical reference only (and maybe for fun, too). Recent Version.
  • Hi there. I'm Vincent, a french 25 years old guy mainly interested in computers and software design. My story is the one of a little boy who started hacking around with his first PC back in 1981 and since then has been wanting to become a (great ?) computer engineer. Well, I'm almost finished with my studies so if you have a job for me, have a look at my resume and drop me a mail. :)

  • California! july to december 1998:I am currently in California doing an internship at OpenTV, so I'm quite busy and don't have time to answer mail or maintain things here. If you need to contact me, you can try I should be back in France early next year.

  • I have started to create my Software Page where I will try to put sources of various software I have written in the past.

  • Retrouvez le compte rendu de la dernière ZylBouffe qui a eu lieu le dimanche 14 février 1998, au Saloon (petit resto mexicain très sympa à Cannes, Alpes Maritimes). Cette page a été créée par Nicolas Vacelet. Une ZylBouffe, c'est une bouffe organisée par les membres du BBS que j'ai créé en 1992 et qui continue de vivre : Zyllius BBS. (Ce dernier lien commence à être vieux maintenant, il faudrait le réactualiser...)

  • Très bientôt, mon cv sera accessible ici. Et une version en anglais...

  • La pré-documentation d'un petit projet auquel je participe: The Java Game System

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Vincent Mallet
Last modified: Sun Feb 26 17:40:30 CST 2006