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Class scrobble.SquarePositioner


public class SquarePositioner
extends Positioner herite de Positioner et positionne une case

Variable Index

 o square
Object of Positioner

Constructor Index

 o SquarePositioner(int, int)
Creates a new SquarePositioner with the given widthPosition and the given heightPosition.
 o SquarePositioner(int, int, Square)
Creates a new SquarePositioner with the given widthPosition, the given heightPosition and the given square.

Method Index

 o getSquare()
Returns the square of the SquarePositioner
 o setSquare(Square)
Modifies the square of the SquarePositioner


 o square
 Square square
Object of Positioner


 o SquarePositioner
 public SquarePositioner(int widthPosition,
                         int heightPosition)
Creates a new SquarePositioner with the given widthPosition and the given heightPosition.

 o SquarePositioner
 public SquarePositioner(int widthPosition,
                         int heightPosition,
                         Square square)
Creates a new SquarePositioner with the given widthPosition, the given heightPosition and the given square.


 o setSquare
 public void setSquare(Square newSquare)
Modifies the square of the SquarePositioner

newSquare - the new square of the SquarePositioner
 o getSquare
 public Square getSquare()
Returns the square of the SquarePositioner

the square

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