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Class scrobble.square.ClientDoubleWordSquare


public class ClientDoubleWordSquare
extends DoubleWordSquare
The ClientDoubleWordSquare class is a client version of the DoubleWordSquare class. It implements the methods of interface Displayable to display the "Word counts double" square.

Constructor Index

 o ClientDoubleWordSquare()

Method Index

 o display()
Draws the whole object in the specified area.
 o displayUpdate()
Draws a partial reprentation of the object in the specified area, that is, only parts that changed since last call to display() or displayUpdate().
 o drawSquare()
Displays the square "Word counts Double"


 o ClientDoubleWordSquare
 public ClientDoubleWordSquare()


 o drawSquare
 public void drawSquare()
Displays the square "Word counts Double"

 o display
 public void display()
Draws the whole object in the specified area. This method is called when the object has to be completly redrawn (eg first display of the object). If the object only needs to be partially drawn, then it should call method displayUpdate().

See Also:
 o displayUpdate
 public void displayUpdate()
Draws a partial reprentation of the object in the specified area, that is, only parts that changed since last call to display() or displayUpdate(). Object needing to be fully redrawn should call method display().

See Also:

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