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Class scrobble.ServerLanguage


public class ServerLanguage
extends Object

Variable Index

 o bag
Contains a bag
 o debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.
 o defaultDicoFile
 o defaultDistriFile
 o dicoFile
The Files containing the dictionnary and the distribution with their default values
 o dictionnary
Contains a dictionnary
 o distri
Contains a distribution
 o distriFile
The Files containing the dictionnary and the distribution with their default values
 o languageFile
The File containing the properties of the Language Object is languageFile<\code>
 o listOfLanguages
The List of valid Languages in the languageFile<\code>.
 o maxLanguages
Contains the maximum of languages that the game can handle
 o props

Constructor Index

 o ServerLanguage(int)
Creates the language object with an identifer.

Method Index

 o getBag()
Gives the bag
 o getDico()
Gives the dictionnary
 o getDistri()
Gives the distribution
 o getLanguageInfo(String)
This method gets the identifier and the description from the languageFile<\code>
 o getLanguages()
Gives an enum of the valid Languages in the languageFile<\code>.
 o loadFiles(Language)
This method gets the dicoFile and distriFile from the languageFile<\code>
 o loadLanguages()
This method loads the languages in the languageFile<\code> and adds them to the listOfLanguages Vector.


 o debug
 static boolean debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.

 o dictionnary
 Dico dictionnary
Contains a dictionnary

 o bag
 Bag bag
Contains a bag

 o distri
 Distribution distri
Contains a distribution

 o dicoFile
 String dicoFile
The Files containing the dictionnary and the distribution with their default values

 o distriFile
 String distriFile
The Files containing the dictionnary and the distribution with their default values

 o defaultDicoFile
 String defaultDicoFile
 o defaultDistriFile
 String defaultDistriFile
 o languageFile
 static String languageFile
The File containing the properties of the Language Object is languageFile<\code>

 o listOfLanguages
 static Hashtable listOfLanguages
The List of valid Languages in the languageFile<\code>.

 o props
 static Properties props
 o maxLanguages
 static int maxLanguages
Contains the maximum of languages that the game can handle


 o ServerLanguage
 public ServerLanguage(int identifier)
Creates the language object with an identifer.

identifier - the identifier of the language to which initialise


 o getDico
 public Dico getDico()
Gives the dictionnary

 o getBag
 public Bag getBag()
Gives the bag

 o getDistri
 public Distribution getDistri()
Gives the distribution

 o getLanguages
 public static Enumeration getLanguages()
Gives an enum of the valid Languages in the languageFile<\code>.

 o loadLanguages
 static void loadLanguages()
This method loads the languages in the languageFile<\code> and adds them to the listOfLanguages Vector. This function has no parameters.

 o getLanguageInfo
 static void getLanguageInfo(String languageName)
This method gets the identifier and the description from the languageFile<\code>

 o loadFiles
 void loadFiles(Language current)
This method gets the dicoFile and distriFile from the languageFile<\code>

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