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Class scrobble.ClientBoard


public class ClientBoard
extends Board
implements GameLinkListener, ScrobbleConstants herite de Board et implemente l'interface Displayable

Variable Index

 o boardPanel
The panel wich represents the Board
 o debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.

Constructor Index

 o ClientBoard(BoardShape)
Creates e new ClientBoardl

Method Index

 o frameReceived(Object, LinkFrame)
Messaged when a new data frame is received by the GameLinkFilter object and this frame belongs to the groups the GameLinkListener asked to listen to.
 o getComponent()
Returns the GUI component representing this board.
 o verify(WordPositioner)
Verifies that the given word can be put on the board or not.


 o boardPanel
 JPanel boardPanel
The panel wich represents the Board

 o debug
 protected boolean debug
if true, enables the printing of debug informations on the console.


 o ClientBoard
 public ClientBoard(BoardShape shape)
Creates e new ClientBoardl


 o verify
 public boolean verify(WordPositioner wordp) throws IllegalPositionException
Verifies that the given word can be put on the board or not.

wordp - the WordPositioner to be verified.
true if the given word can be put on the board, and exception otherwise.
 o getComponent
 public Component getComponent()
Returns the GUI component representing this board.

 o frameReceived
 public void frameReceived(Object link,
                           LinkFrame frame)
Messaged when a new data frame is received by the GameLinkFilter object and this frame belongs to the groups the GameLinkListener asked to listen to.

link - the GameLink that actually received the frame.
frame - the frame that has just been received.
See Also:
GameLink, frameReceived

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